
Ayumi Nasu,Kentaro Kotani, Tkafumi Asao, and Seiji Nakagawa : Information Processing for Constructing Tactile Perception of Motion: A MEG Study IUI 2010 Workshop: Eye Gaze in Intelligent Human Machine Interaction, 1-4, Hong Kong (2010).

Kentaro Kotani, Toru Yu, Takafumi Asao, Ken Horii: Effective presentation for velocity and direction information produced by using tactile actuator Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2010), DVD-ROM Miami, Florida USA

Takafumi Asao, Yuta Kumazaki, Kota Kawanishi, Kentaro Kotani, Ken Horii: Evaluation of Dynamic Touch Using Moment of Joint Inertia Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2010), DVD-ROM Miami, Florida USA
山本 慶洋,柴田 伊織,朝尾 隆文,小谷 賢太郎,堀井 健: 拡大オプティカルフロー観察時の視空間のゆがみと眼球運動の関係, 掲載:VISION,Vol.23,No.1

松井 陽生,堀井 健,小谷 賢太郎,朝尾 隆文,棒田 弦太: 網膜偏心度から見たトロクスラー効果の特性, 掲載:VISION,Vol.23,No.1